Dear Valued Customer,
These unique times require unique measures and responses from all of us. We wanted to let you know what our team is doing to ensure seamless and safe business operations in the wake of the rapidly evolving Coronavirus situation. The health and safety of our team members, customers, colleagues, neighbors, and families, is our top priority, along with ensuring that you do not experience an interruption in the service we provide.
As allowed, our team will continue to service your properties. Many of you will be working from home or have children home from school; we ask that you open gates as necessary before our team’s arrival, and while we are on your property to remain indoors. If you need to speak to us, please follow the CDC’s recommendation of maintaining at least six feet of personal distancing for your safety and ours. Those of you who have requested paper invoices, we will leave them at your door before departing.
Now is a time for caution and prudence in our daily lives to keep one another safe and healthy. As news becomes available, we will reassess our operations and keep you informed of any resulting changes to your service.
Thank you for your continued business and the trust you have placed in us to provide service to you and your family.