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Turf Terms
A glossary of lawn definitions to help you have a better understanding of the conditions we diagnose when we are caring for your Rich Green Lawn!
Blade of Grass
grass blades grow at the base of the blade and not from elongated stem tips. This low growth point evolved in response to grazing animals and allows grasses to be grazed or mown regularly without severe damage to the plant.
A term used to describe a dense, compacted soil that has little or no room for air, water, or nutrient movement. Core aeration is used to help reduce soil compaction in a lawn.
Cool Season Turfgrass
Turfgrass species with optimum growth at temperatures between 60 and 75°F (15.5°C to 23.8°C). Cool-season grass varieties include creeping bentgrass, fine fescue, tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, annual ryegrass and perennial ryegrass.
Dollar Spot
Refers to a lawn disease affecting turfgrass. Common signs of this grass disease are a circular, straw-colored spot in the lawn.
Drought Stress
The wearing away and transportation of soil from land areas by wind or water.
A material added to feed plants rich in nutrients
The beginning stages of growth for a plant rising from its seed. In terms of grass, lawn care depends on properly encouraging seed germination.
Leaving grass clippings on the lawn when mowing to return nutrients back to the soil
Lawn Care Services
Routine maintenance provided by professionals experienced with grass care and lawn treatments, who work to ensure healthy growing grass, trees, and shrubs within green spaces.
Lawn Insects
Common pests, including: cinch bugs, fire ants, boxelder bugs, earwigs, grubs, and much more. Lawns are meant to sustain a certain number of insects. When infestations occur, problems arise. Every insect affects growing grass in a different way and some are more harmful than others. Infestations cause grass to die, which means lawn repair is necessary for grass to grow again.
A wound or localized abnormality found on growing grass, trees, shrubs, and other plant life. Lawn diseases and insect infestations can cause visible lesions, which mean proper lawn care, including tree maintenance and core aeration, is necessary to protect green spaces.
The major elements essential for plant growth. The major plant macronutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K).
Non-Turf Program
The control of weeds that appear in the beds or landscaping that includes ornamental plants and grasses. These weeds can compete for nutrients and water, and spoil the appearance of the landscape.
Perimeter Pest Control
A method of pest control designed to create a barrier around the home to repel insects and other pests, preventing them from infiltrating the house. Spiders, mites, crickets, roaches and ants are some of the insects for which perimeter pest control is effective.
Pet Damage
Damage to lawns or gardens due to pet urine or feces. Large amounts of pet urine or excrement can result in dead patches on grass or lawn burn which may be surrounded by a green ring.
Power Seeding
Red Thread
A turf disease resulting in small brown patches in lawns. Close inspection of grass blades will reveal tiny red threads sticking out of tips of grass blades.
The portion of a plant that lies below the surface of the soil. The root system provides structural support and is the primary method used by plants for absorbing moisture and nutrients.
When more than a third of a leaf shoot of a blade of grass is removed during mowing. This can occur if a lawn is not being mowed frequently enough. Scalping will result in weaker grass, more susceptibility to weeds, and the development of brown patches. Prevent scalping with proper mowing techniques and frequent mowing.
Soil Test
An analysis of the of the soil. This report includes pH level, amount and type of nutrients, and overall soil health.
Spring Greenup
The beginning of spring when lawns start to green-up after the winter. Proper winterizing and lawn fertilization from the season before can help speed up or help along the green-up process.
Sprinkler System
A method for watering lawn and plantings via underground pipes and sprinklers. Each station sends water to one zone, which typically consists of a group of sprinklers
Tall Fescue
A cool-season perennial grass that is course in texture and grows rapidly in the spring and fall. Tall fescue performs best in well drained clay soils, and easily adapts to a wide range of soil and climatic conditions.
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